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In Computing, pupils learn about coding, data, media, networking and presenting information.  Online safety is embedded across the curriculum and is an important learning area in Computing sessions and beyond.  

The curriculum is based on the NCCE computing units where pupils learn to code, become animators, interpret and present information.  There are 'un-plugged' lessons as well as computing lessons using online tools such as Google Classroom, Scratch, Logo, Google Draw and Google Sheets along with concrete use of resources such as BeeBots.

In the Spring term, the school takes part in Safer Internet Day which is celebrated across the country each February.  

Computing Learning Overview (with Covid catch-up amendments): Updated 2022


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 1

Computer and Networks: Technology Around Us


Creating Media: Digital Painting

Creating Media: Digital Writing


Data and Information: Grouping Data

Programming A: Moving a Robot


Programming B: Introduction to animation

Year 2

Computer and Networks: IT Around Us


Creating Media: Digital Photography

Creating Media: Making Music


Data and Information: Pictograms

Programming A: Robot Algorithms


Programming B: Introduction to quizzes

Year 3

Computer and Networks: Connecting computers


Creating Media: Animation

Creating Media: Desktop Publishing


Data and Information: Branching Databases

Programming A: Sequence in Music


Programming B: Events and Actions

Year 4

Computer and Networks: Connecting computers (Covid catch up)


Creating Media: Photo editing

Data and Information: Data Logging


Programming A: Repetition in shapes

Creating Media: Audio editing


Programming B: Repetition in Games

Year 5

Computer and Networks: Sharing Information


Creating Media: Vector Drawing


Data and Information: Flat-file Databases


Programming A: Selection in physical computing

Creating Media: Video editing


Programming B: Selection in Quizzes

Year 6

Computer and Networks: Communication


Creating Media: 3D modelling


Data and Information: Spreadsheets

Programming A: Variables in Games


Programming B: Sensing


Creating Media: Web page creation

Year 5 are taking part in DfE action research to investigate the gender balance towards computing.  As part of this, Year 5 have additional computing lessons looking at attitudes towards computing.  Live sessions with a female computing role model will take place as part of this.

Safer Internet Day 2022:  'All fun and games?'

Safer Internet Day 2022 was celebrated on Tuesday 8th February with the theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.  We celebrated by joining in with the Safer Internet Day assembly, reading about DigiDuck in EYFS and KS1, and each year group taking part in follow-up learning where we considered how we could be a more responsible Internet users.  Throughout the week, parents were encouraged to take part in online gaming with their children as well as being encouraged to develop their own knowledge through National Online Safety courses.

Year 4 to 6 use Google Classroom as a tool for computing and the wider curriculum.  See link below for a sample of remote learning using Google Classroom.

Year 5 - I am an animator - What are vector drawings?


The National Curriculum journe

Stem Workshops

As part of our British Science Week focus, Reception class, Year 2 and Year 5 had the opportunity to use and develop their coding skills when we were visited by Computer Xplorers.

Reception class worked with the Edison Robots to input commands to make the robots move.  They had great fun having a race with their robots as a finale to their workshop!

Year 2 completed a workshop called ‘Awesome Engineers’. They learned about what engineers do and how a set of instructions, or an algorithm, can program the robot to complete actions.

As Year five's science focus for this term was Earth and Space, they spent an afternoon building Milo the Science Rover and programming their Rovers using a block based programming language.  They further developed their Milo model by adding a motion detection sensor.