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Maths at Moorlands promotes practical learning and mathematical talk.  Pupils use mathematical equipment to gain a deeper understanding behind calculations and mathematical talk to justify, explain and reason their answers.  Key questions include, 'What do you notice?', 'What's the same and different?' and 'What if?' to encourage participation of all and deeper-level thinking. 

The school works closely with workgroups from the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics).  Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are taking part in daily Mastering Number sessions with the NCETM; this will progress towards using the Rekenrek counting frame to become secure in their early understanding of the number system.

The whole school uses the White Rose medium term structure to support in-depth reasoning, varied fluency and problem solving.

Please use the link below to take you to further information about White Rose for parents.

You will find more in-depth detail about the mathematical objectives covered in each year group in the documents below.  You will find the overview of the teaching throughout the year, how we progressively teach the National Curriculum objectives, but also an insight into some of the models and images used within the maths lessons including the use of the ten-frame, part-whole model, number lines and base 10 in addition to formal written calculations.  The purpose of these, are to create strong mathematical foundations for each pupil.

Multiplication knowledge expectations

How to help your child learn their timestables?

In school, we support pupils to learn their multiplication tables through songs, games and deepening understanding of patterns.  At home and in school, we encourage the children to use TT Rockstars to develop their speed and fluency in their multiplication recall and knowledge.

Will you become a Timestable Rockstar?

Making Sense of Money

We are working towards becoming a MoneySense Accredited School as part of our commitment to teaching our pupils how to use money safely and responsibly. Last academic year we were joined by volunteers from NatWest to run workshops with many of the classes.

Years One and Two learned about how we use money, how it can be spent, saved or donated. They also explored the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’.

Year Five worked in groups to plan and present a fully costed, reasonably priced birthday party, which helped them learn about budgeting.

The children received certificates and we thank the volunteers from NatWest for supporting us.

The MoneySense website has a Parents section where you can download activities to do at home. Your children can also explore a Virtual Bank to get used to the services in a real bank branch.

Maths learning at home

  • Numbots and TT Rockstar can help to develop fluency at home.

Each year, pupils from Years 5 and 6 take part in the Primary Maths Challenge.  Congratulations to the bronze, silver and gold award winners this term.