Our Curriculum
Moorlands Primary School Curriculum
Language, communication and questioning lies at the heart of the Moorlands curriculum design with Teaching and Learning based on the Rosenshine Principles.
The curriculum is based upon questioning, a key question provides the stimulus for the different subjects. Philosophy for Children is an important aspect at Moorlands, pupils are encouraged to question, reason, justifying and challenge their thinking. These key skills underpin pupils' learning and is taught alongside the school's core values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, PEACE, CO-OPERATION, EQUALITY AND PERSEVERANCE.
Each term pupils will either have a visitor into school or take part in an educational visit. Visits last year included:
- Space museum
- Bewdley Visitor Centre
- Sealife Centre
- Wonderland
- Sandwell Valley
- Sycamore Adventure Centre
- Black Country Museum
- Lichfield Cathedral - Music Share event with all Wednesbury schools
Key Stage 2 pupils also have the opportunity to attend two residentials - Frank Chapman (Years 3 and 4) and Elan Valley (Years 5 and 6).
If you would like additional information about an area of the Moorlands curriculum please let the school office know and they will inform the individual subject leader, if it is a subject specific issue, the class teacher or the Key Stage leaders.